Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valen-DUMB Day

I have never liked this day. I have never had a reason to like this day. There is only one time in my life that I remember actually doing something Valentinesy... and that was the worst relationship of my life. Every other year I've wished I was either with the person I loved or not single-and-dateless (and there was only one year that the former applies to). Pretty much all of them have been spent single and alone.

And even if I was lucky enough to have a special someone, it's a social requirement to do something creative to prove that you still love them. If you don't do anything or your creativity is lacking, then you OBVIOUSLY don't care for her.

Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of being romantic and all, but this day has been more of a reminder of my lack of relationships than anything. Just my little Valen-dumb rant.

Happy V-Day!


Jane said...

I probably can't win you over with my "Valentine's Day is great even if you're not in a relationship because of the awesome pink + red + purple color combination," can I?

The Internets <3's you, Dan!

Tiffany & Brandon said...

Whoa, you're back! Happy Tuesday after Vday :-P